USP is unnecessary | Daily #233

Proven markets have the advantage where the right product and target audience are already discovered

USP is unnecessary | Daily #233
Photo by NeONBRAND / Unsplash

Never understood why people get de-motivated just because their idea is not unique. I never believed that just because a similar or even identical product exists, you can’t create your own.

My best comparison is are drinks. Do you think there is a big difference between water from Spa and Sourcy? There are probably thousands of water brands across the world that sell almost exactly the same thing. Water.

Just because a product exists that you want to create, doesn’t mean you can’t sell it. On the contrary, if the other products miss a feature or are badly marketed, you can take over. Build the same product with that missing feature or build the product and market it better. Then the customers will come to you cause your product is slightly better or marketed to them in a better way.

There is no need for a USP (unique selling point). Just the right product, the right founder, and the right target audience. Proven markets have the advantage where the right product and target audience are already discovered. All you have to do is market or build a better product.

Good thing is that there are millions of bad products that need improvements.

There is a reason why people prefer Coca-Cola zero to Pepsi Max. Are they really that much different? I personally think Coca-Cola is slightly better. Would I leave the restaurant and not be their customer just because they serve me Pepsi Max and not Coca-Cola? No. I would still be their customer for a soft drink.

Just because the product you want to build and sell already exists, doesn’t mean that you should pack up your things and leave.