Planning is arrogant | Daily #249

Instead have destinations of what type of person you want to be.

Planning is arrogant | Daily #249
Photo by Towfiqu barbhuiya / Unsplash

You should have a roadmap on what you want to achieve in life. Basically have destinations and goals in your life that eventually you want to reach. Whether you reach them or not is irrelevant.

The goal is growth and progress.

The bad thing is that I notice that many plan their life to the degree that spits of arrogance. If this happens then this happens. Then that will happen and then that will become important.

How do you even know if the first thing happens? Let alone the second thing and the others after.

Examples are those are that want to become a type of person by a certain age. For example, married at 30, have a business at 35, live in another country by 32, or whatever.

Who says you will find the right partner by 30? Who says you can afford and take risks to own a business before 35? Who says we won’t have another pandemic when you reach 32?

Instead have destinations of what type of person you want to be.

You want to be a married man? Then have lots of dates and discover what you want from a lifelong partner. Whether you marry the right person at 30 is irrelevant, but since you had lots of dates, you gained experience and discovered what you are looking for.

You want to be a business owner? Why not start right now? Start building and selling things. You can build and sell for example photo pictures to graphic designs to copywriting to software code. Discover what you want to build and sell by starting. Whether you have a profitable business by 35 is irrelevant, cause at least you made progress in discovering what you want to build and sell.

Don’t plan in too many details cause that reeks of arrogance. Also, you are not flexible by doing that. If you discover along the way that you don’t want that goal anymore, then you should be able to adjust or throw away the plan.

There are things you just can’t account for and lessons to be learned.

Planning in too much detail is foolish.