Physical Notebooks | Daily #257
Physical Notebook > iPad
I’ve tried many times to write notes on my iPad. Even borrowed the Apple Pencil from people for a week or two. But writing notes on that never seemed real, convenient, and honestly fulfilling.
The best benefit was of course that I can organize and search my handwritten notes way more easily. But that wasn’t enough to build a habit of writing on a tablet.
That’s why I think physical notebooks are the best. The way you hold a pen. The way you put ink on a piece of paper. It just feels satisfying.
Nowadays, I almost have a little notebook always with me. If I want to write something down, I will use it. These could be ideas, problems, unique thoughts, and even bullet points from a deep conversation.
And honestly, I skim lots more through my earlier written notes than on an iPad.
I think physical notebooks are just way superior to writing on tablets or any hardware device for now.