1 min read

Lead by example | Day #76

Don’t command them, live it yourself, show them that it is possible, and they may follow.
Lead by example | Day #76

You can’t save anybody. They have to save themselves.

It's much easier to influence others, by your own example rather than to force them.

Nobody will listen to your fitness thoughts if you aren’t healthy or fit.

Nobody will listen to your engineering thoughts if you haven’t build a body of work to display.

Nobody will listen to your business thoughts if you haven’t had a single successful business.

If you want to lead, you have to lead by example. Become what you want to be and others may follow.

We all know one or multiple acquaintances that got left behind because you excelled.

Some of you may have wanted to help (save) them even.

But in the end, they can only save themselves.

They make their own choices. They choose to follow their habits. They choose the path they walk.

They are rarely forced by someone.

It’s all out of their own choice.

The best way to show them a better path is to walk the better path yourself.

Everybody helps themselves, you can only point them the direction.

If they don’t want to, don’t put effort into it.

Don’t command them, live it yourself, show them that it is possible, and they may follow.