Integrity | Daily #142

If you can put an honest effort and your name on your work, I’m 99% eventually you are going to be competent.

Integrity | Daily #142
Photo by Brett Jordan / Unsplash

Most people don’t have integrity. They will choose shortcuts and be dishonest with themselves to gain short-term accelerated gain.

We see this in many forms like startups. Growth hacking for example in startups can be seen as dishonest cause they are talking about the benefits of a product that hasn’t even been build or tested yet.

Or engineers that design and write code as soon as possible in order to find out that they have an immense technical debt.

Or the more prominent one, create an anonymous account on social media and try to frame yourself or others without having skin in the game.

Sometimes it is needed to do those short-term actions, in order to survive. But in the first-world countries which I assume my readers are, you probably don’t have to do any of that.

Integrity and skin in the game is the most important aspect of any career. I don’t care if you don’t have the skills yet. If you can put an honest effort and your name on your work, I’m 99% eventually you are going to be competent.