Happy New Year 2021 | Day #113
For all my followers and readers, I wish you a great 2021.

For all my followers and readers, I wish you a great 2021.
It was a great midnight, since I was hanging out with a few limited friends. Celebrating the New Years, making jokes, and playing some games.
After 04:00, we went home and slept immediately.
Then 2021 hit.
Woke up around 11:00, so slept roughly around 5 hours.
Don’t like the lack of sleep on new years eve, so got to catch up tonight.
Then I immediately scheduled with a good friend to have a video shoot for Growrilla. I picked up many things that we could do from skipping rope to playing a keyboard-piano. The shooting went well, but lasted a bit longer than expected. I estimated around an hour, but it took in total 90 minutes roughly
A learning today is to write down the ideas more often, especially when action needs to be done. During the video shoot, I sometimes mis-remembered scenes in my head. When I mis-remember, I miscommunicate it which is time wasting.
Write down your ideas more often on paper (or computer notes)
The videos and scenes will be later edited into short videos.
Today, I want to thank the camera-operator and models 😉.
Have a great 2021!