Day #14 | Exercising back to normal
During the first part of this year I fucked my body up. I quarantined myself between March to July. During these months I didn't exercise that much. Just a some jogs, push-ups and squats here and there. I was just home, cause back then the virus was still a bit uncertain.

My body has been declining in terms of fitness since COVID19. I'm definitely going to get back to my normal body state by the end of this year! 😤
— Hoye Lam | 林浩意 (@hoyelam) July 24, 2020
During the first part of this year I fucked my body up. I quarantined myself between March to July.
During these months I didn't exercise that much. Just a some jogs, push-ups and squats here and there. I was just home, cause back then the virus was still a bit uncertain. The virus could have impacted my family and friends so decided that it may not be a good idea to go out.
However, this destroyed my body. According to my Apple Watch, during those months I only burned around 350~ calories each day. I gained an additional 7kg weight including fat and lost muscle. All this being inside and not going to the gym (cause it was forced to be closed) was unhealthy.
Then I decided to do something about it cause I felt sick of my body.
Some of my friends started training in parks in June. They trained every day in the morning, cause they usually work during the evenings. I decided to join them as well for one day a week. We train everything from boxing to sprinting to core.
Thanks to this, I began exercising more and more. I even bought a jumping rope just so I could do cardio at home. I felt in love with this exercise as well.
The next decision was to go back to the gym. The gyms were already re-opened somewhere around June, but didn't went back cause I was still a bit careful with the virus.
Now I'm taking my chances but also by reducing it. I go around 07:00 in the morning where usually there are the least people and we can take distance. I also clean before I use any equipment like barbells.
The last decision was to also train in the morning in the weekends with my girlfriend. The weekend is what I call maintenance days where I just do some light-weight training and cardio. Not anything intense, but still keep moving.
Due to these decisions I'm now training everyday. I'm burning around 900~ calories on average everyday and my schedule looks like this:
- Monday: Gym 07:30 - 08:30
- Tuesday: Gym 07:30 - 08:30
- Wednesday: Gym 07:30 - 08:30
- Thursday: Park training 10:00 - 12:30
- Friday: Gym 07:00 - 08:00 or Outside 20:00 - 21:00
- Saturday: Maintenance 10:00 - 11:00
- Sunday: Maintenance 10:00 - 11:00
There are still optimizations needed. I wouldn't say that I eat less. I still eat three meals a day which should be two in general. However, with these current decisions, I'm going back to my normal body at the end of this year! 💪