Craft my new writing tool | Daily #222
Maybe you should give it a go as well.

I’m using a new piece of writing software to write 90% of my notes now. It’s and so far it’s been great. I was using Bear before this to write my articles but I think Craft suits me better in general.
First of all, it doesn’t use the hashtag system and you can organize however you want. The hashtag system of Bear sometimes made it a bit awkward where I want to use a # on my articles, but don’t want it to organize it in a structure. Thus Craft made that better. (Of course, I self-inflicted myself cause I chose to use Bear)
Then the export functionality of Craft is far more useful. You export it in many formats like Markdown, DocX, PDF, Image, Textbundle, and even a secret link where people can view the page itself (similar to Notion).
Funnily enough, it can also send to Bear, but also others apps like Things3.
Where does it (maybe) fall flat though?
I still need to get used to writing in ‘blocks’. Instead of one big piece of Markdown Text, it uses blocks to organize your written content. Similar to Notion. I’m not the biggest fan of this myself, but maybe I’m a boomer in this case and just need to get down with the zoomers.
I’ve been using Craft for 2 weeks now, and I confidently say that I’m enjoying it. Writing looks nice and there are tons of features that make organizing much more accessible and easier.
Maybe you should give it a go as well.