What tribes mold you | Daily #239

Sometimes I still wonder if I’m in the tribes that truly want the best for me and themselves. They say you become a combination of the five people you hang out the most with.

I would even expand on that. Your beliefs, interests, mental, and even physicality are a combination of the five tribes (or communities) you spend the most time with.

I became a software engineer cause I spend time with nerds and it randomly became an interest.

I practiced karate while I was little, cause most people I knew back then practiced a form of fighting as well.

I became an investor cause I randomly met people that were investors.

I became more productive cause I spend time reading about productivity and spending time with hustlers.

I became interested in startups cause I randomly got the chance to work with one and met others as well.

All those communities. All those tribes have influenced me in becoming the person I’m today. It wasn’t intentional in any means. I could have easily randomly joined a community that did another thing and I would practice that art.

Now, I have to reflect if the tribes I’m currently in are worth it long-term. Do they truly help me in what I want to achieve? Or are they merely distractions? Or worse, make a worse person than I am today. Should I join others? Should I leave some?

All these questions are up in the air and I need to discover the answers soon.