Wanting to build a product for esports | Daily #205

Today, I was thinking about if I could build something for an esports audience. I created an esports calendar iOS app a few years and it did have some users, but rarely people that wanted to pay for it.

Still, after the CSGO Major two days ago, I still have chills on how amazing esports can be.

Right now, I’m even following more esports news, reading tweets, getting in discord servers, and trying to find a problem. I do see problems that may be fixed. Like

  • All esports games are scattered regarding their news/data outlet (HLTV, lolesports, liquidepedia, gamepedia)
  • Twitch dominance as the premier outlet of esports games
  • Limited weekly newsletters with a sum-up of the latest esports news and/or statistics
  • No calendar for all esports videogames
  • No discord bots to share when games can be watched

These are just quick thoughts and maybe not necessarily a problem that requires improvements or solutions.

The elephant in the room is that esports viewers are also entitled as hell for free solutions. They have an ad-block, don’t pay for subscriptions, but still, want the highest quality of production quality in their esports matches. Also, they are usually also a younger audience that probably can’t randomly pay extra in their expenses.

Do I want to provide free solutions to these consumers? Probably not honestly. But maybe I can find the community that does want to pay for something. Maybe esports teams specifically, or journalists, or the players themselves.

I will think of something in the future, maybe a new project for 2022.