WallStreet Stock Market

Today, I’ve been distracted and pre-occupied with the ongoing trading war with subreddit /r/wallstreetbets and Wall Street bankers.

Without explaining the whole feud and plan, basically, a community of people is pumping several stocks like $GME, $AMC, $NOK, $BB, and several others.

This is making hedge funds lose the billions worth of money all because a community tried to rise up against their practices.

Usually, I don’t look at stocks this closely. I watch maybe three to five times a week on what to invest in. But today, I basically was preoccupied the whole day with it.

I’m interested in how it is going to end by the end of this week.

I’ve invested in several of these stocks and today has been a good day. But I’m not sure yet what will happen next week.

Let’s see 😉