Summing up numeric properties of objects in an array in Swift

You may want to sum up properties from an object. For example, you may retrieve log data from your analytics web server.

A struct could be the following:

struct ActionLog: Codable {
    var actionId: Int
    var actionPerformed: Int
    var creationDate: Date

This struct could for example contain a log of a certain action taken within a software product.

  • actionId = the ID of a certain action (i.e button press, purchase, authentication)
  • actionPerformed = the number of times this action was performed during a log

With these logs, you may have as aim to calculate the total amount of actions performed of a certain action. How do you this?

First, let’s break down the requirement into smaller pieces.

  1. Filter all the actions based on the actionId
  2. Get all the actionPerformed  Integer based on the actionId
  3. Sum all the retrieved actionPerformed Integers.

Now that we know what we want to do, let’s code it as well.

// 1. Filter step
let desiredActionId = 1
let filteredLogs = logs.filter( {$0.actionId == desiredActionId} )

// 2. Get the `actionPerformed` integers
let numbers = {$0.actionPerformed })

// 3. Sum all the integers up
let totalAmount = numbers.reduce(0, +)

Or if you want much shorter.

let totalAmount = logs
    .filter( {$0.actionId == desiredActionId} ) // Step 1
    .map( {$0.actionPerformed }) // Step 2
    .reduce(0, +) // Step 3

This a solution on how to sum up numeric properties of objects within an array.

You can test the code with there snippet here within Playgrounds:

struct ActionLog: Codable {
    var actionId: Int
    var actionPerformed: Int
    var creationDate: Date

var logs: [ActionLog] = []

for _ in 0..<100 {
    logs.append(.init(actionId: 1,
                      actionPerformed: 1,
                      creationDate: Date()))
    logs.append(.init(actionId: 2,
                      actionPerformed: 2,
                      creationDate: Date()))

// 1. Filter step
let desiredActionId = 1
let filteredLogs = logs.filter( {$0.actionId == desiredActionId} )

// 2. Get the `actionPerformed` integers
let numbers = {$0.actionPerformed })

// 3. Sum all the integers
let total = numbers.reduce(0, +)

print("Total amount of actions performed of action 1: \(total) times")

// shorter
let totalShort = logs
    .filter( {$0.actionId == desiredActionId} ) // Step 1
    .map( {$0.actionPerformed }) // Step 2
    .reduce(0, +) // Step 3

print("Total amount of actions performed of action 1: \(totalShort) times")