Start with the first task on your TODO-list | Daily #158

Since today I'm recovering from food poisoning. Luckily, I can be more physically active and don't have to be in the toilet every hour.

I realized in the morning that it all starts with one task at a time to get back in my rhythm. The morning for me is meant to be physically active. So the first task is to go to the gym or take a long walk. When that is completed, I'm pumped for the others.

In the afternoon, I try to be productive as possible for my job work. So, I start with a single development task. From there, once an issue has been solved I go the next. Once that is finished the next one until I need a break. Then the cycle continues again.

Then in the evening, I try to be productive as possible for my indie work (or freelance). Thus once again, I choose one task todo and finish that one first. If I'm in the mood I continue with another one and another one until I need a break.

Everything starts with the first task.
Similar to going to the gym. The first step is going there, not being in the gym.