Some need to be micromanaged | Daily #253

A new discovery that I’ve found is that some need to be guided on what to do.

Many say that they don’t want to be micromanaged. Don’t tell me what to do. Don’t tell me what is important. Don’t tell me how to play.

I know what to do. I know what’s important. I know how the game works.

In my experience, there is only a handful of these individuals in any company or environment. Most actually don’t know what to do when they have the freedom.

The most common scenario I’ve experienced is when an individual is done with their tasks. They finished everything and have time left over. Instead of managing themselves to produce even more output, the daze off. They watch social media, entertainment media, play video games, or among other things that don’t actually contribute to their working hours or individual growth.

What happened to the aspect of this individual that should be able to know what to work on, what’s important, and self-management?

There is a difference between being told what to do and being guided on what to do.

Yes, it’s not fun to be always told what to do. If you tell me every day what to do, I would get crazy as well, cause we should be creative individuals. But in terms of output, usually, it is better.

We hire personal trainers to tell us how, when and what to train. Why do we do that? Cause they improve the output of exercising. If the majority of society, could exercise without the need of a trainer, fewer people in the world would be unhealthy. But that’s not in reality, on the contrary, people are getting unhealthier every year.

I see the same thing in many companies. Individuals need coaches to tell them what they need to work on and what the strategy is, what’s important, and how to grow. Then their output is higher than when they weren’t guided.

Most needs to be micromanaged.