People don’t make use of trial periods | Daily #199

I see so many people have an opinion about a product that they never even tried before. Even though there is a FREE trial period, they already made up their minds that the product is shit or not worth it.

It’s like before even trying the food at a restaurant you already say it’s shit. Even though, you haven’t eaten anything from there at all.

Products now have so many trial periods or even (at least in the Netherlands) extremely good return policies. Don’t like the product? No problem, cancel the subscription or return the product.

But instead, people don’t even try it and make up their minds before trying it.

I was actually one of them as well. But I’m slowly changing. A few months before, I for example tried out the AirPods Max. Didn’t like thus returned it and got my money back.

Also returned some other headphones as well. Or canceled subscriptions like VPNs and writing tools cause I didn’t like to use them.

What changed my mind though, were two purchases. One is YouTube premium where I already gave many positive remarks about it here.

The second one was the AirPods 3rd generation, which came out this week. I bought it and thought just to try it out, but if I didn’t like it I would return it.

But the sound quality and overall comfort were are so much better than the AirPods 1st generation that I used before. Now I can’t go back and won’t return it to Apple, even though I thought at first why would I even use it if I already have a pair.

Sometimes you just have to try it. How do you know if you like a certain dish if you’ve never tried it?

Make more use of trial periods and advantageous return policies.