I should spend more on improving myself | Daily #150

In the last few years, I haven't spent really much on educating myself. I spend probably around 400 euros this year on most books and online courses.

But I don't think that is enough.

When I was very young, my parents taught me to don't buy things unless I really needed them. Mainly cause we were broke when I was young.

But this stuck with me with mostly everything but especially for personal education though. Upon reviewing myself, 400 euros is not that much considering it is about myself. That's only a couple of books and two online courses. I can and should do better in this.

I should be spending way more, cause it is all to improve myself. I should hire a coach. I should buy better quality online courses. Maybe even a higher quality gym subscription.

Instead of buying stocks and crypto, I should be investing in myself more. Investing in myself should be a higher standard for me.