Everybody loves shortcuts | Daily #165

From the pandemic, I realized that the majority only want shortcuts. Instead of taking care of your health and building up your immune system to fight off viruses, people rather take the vaccine. It's just two appointments, two jabs and you are ready to go.

Other examples are the infamous get-rich-quick schemes in the form of lotteries, social events, courses, pump dumps, pyramid schemes, and more. You only have to buy a small amount or be active during the event. Why do people do it? Cause it is a shortcut. They don't have to do the hard work and supposedly achieve similar results.

While these are some of the egregious examples, they can be common things as well. Like the fact, you spend probably money every month to have a cloud subscription. I mean who wouldn't want that. I don't have to carry a hard drive every day, plug it into a computer and keep everything synced. Of course, I take the shortcut of just subscribing to the cloud tool and use it.

Another example is buying a new computer cause the old ones are too slow. When this happens, it doesn't mean that you can't do any work on the old one. It's just that is easier. AKA a shortcut.

Once you can identify what shortcuts to create, that could also be a new product that you could build and sell. Everybody loves shortcuts.

Inherently shortcuts are not bad. If the option is there and it is moral and ethical you should take it. But taking shortcuts doesn't mean you can skip the entire road. If the road is 10km, and you take a shortcut that reduces the road by 200 meters, you still have 9.8km to go.

You can't expect that every time a shortcut presents itself to save you. You know the story of a classmate who always copied other homework and then at the exam they fail. Nobody cares if you copied once or twice homework from someone, they do care if you fail the exam.

Don't be that person that always takes shortcuts. Walk and learn the road. Once you know the road, you can navigate through it more easily and take shortcuts when necessary. Foundations are what builds you long-term.