Discovering the man I want to be | Daily #155

Lately, I haven't been reading a lot. If I do, I read a chapter then go to another book the next day. Probably something I should pick up again.

But yesterday, I read the second rule of Jordan Peterson's book Beyond Order and this is:

Imagine who you could be and then aim single-mindedly at that

Upon reading that chapter, there were examples of characters in history, Christianity and even fiction, where the character understood the dangers of taking certain, but still went in to slay their dragon(s).

I realized that then and there that I don't know what dragons I need to be slaying. I don't know which roads to take and which turns to make. I don't know how to train enough to slay them. Right now, I'm just walking and walking with little to no destinations in mind. I'm just walking in hopes that I eventually reach a positive destination.

I'm just coding, writing, reading, and socializing every day in the hopes that I eventually hit the successes. These could be building creative things, help people along the way, be financially free, be in peace, build a family, be healthy, and more. But I don't have an infinite amount of time. I have to prioritize and make subgoals to achieve things without relying too much on luck.

So, in private I'm trying to make a roadmap of my life in the upcoming decade. This roadmap consists of categories like family, career, health, wealth, friendships, community, and maybe more. Within those, I have to prioritize based on what kind of man I want to be in ten years. Then I have to put it into paper and make sure my daily actions make progress towards those goals and visions.

I know it's going to be hard, but we can't have it another way. I can't expect abnormal outcomes, living a normal life. I have to excel and the only way to do that is to make a map and follow the roads to reach my destinations.

(Maybe I will eventually share this roadmap publicly or maybe not. Loads of things I still try to keep as private as possible, but who knows.)